Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top 12 Twitter Accounts I Follow (in no particular order)

@CSLewis (C.S. Lewis) - Clive Staples Lewis is so impressive that he even tweets from the grave. Not really. He's really dead. In fact, he's been dead for a while. He died the same day as John F. Kennedy (11.22.63). I don't know who takes the time to quote him daily on Twitter, but I appreciate being reminded of his illuminating words and ideas. Note: I don't like to follow anyone I haven't actually read or studied in historical context. Otherwise, it is far too easy to take their quotes out of context and arm yourself with an intellectual prooftext. I've read C.S. Lewis deeply, so I usually can recall the context of the most noteable passage.

@albertmohler (Albert Mohler) Dr. Mohler is the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He's a devout Christian intellectual and the host of Thinking in Public, a podcast in which Dr. Mohler "engages in conversations about frontline and cultural issues with the people who are shaping them."

@urban_prof (Clive Craigen) Mr. Craigen is a professor of evangelism and missions at Moody Bible Institute (undergraduate school). I did attend Moody but do not know Mr. Craigen personally, because I was in the graduate program. He's a man of great reputation who understands urban evangelism. His tweets are insightful and often provide links to articles about important issues related to urban life and ministry.

@jpmoreland (J.P. Moreland) Dr. Moreland is a prolific author and a philosopher at Biola University in LaMirada, CA. Bio here.

@drmoore (Russell Moore) Dr. Moore is Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He's also a pastor, theologian, and adoption advocate. Read his blog at Moore to the Point.

@epsociety ( The Evangelical Philosophical Society publishes Philosophia Christi and holds regular meetings. Its purpose is to foster philosophical excellence among Christians in both the church and the academy. I think the Church is experiencing something of a philosophical renaissance right now, and the members of EPS are the leading edge of it.

@WORLD_mag (World Magazine) The news of the world from a tough-minded but warm-hearted Christian perspective.

@CTmagazine (Christianity Today) CT is a non-profit communications ministry founded by Billy Graham. It's chief product is Christianity Today magazine.

@baptistpress (Baptist Press) The news service of the Southern Baptist Convention. They post news and articles as they relate to Southern Baptists and American evangelicals more broadly. good reading.

@TripLee116 (Trip Lee) "Trip Lee" (William Barefield III) is a hip-hop/rap artist and a seriously devout Christian. Hip-hop is an art form that is little understood by the church (particular white ones) and that is very heavily influenced by sex, drugs, and violence. Trip and a number of other like-minded artists  (at Reach Records and 116 Clique) are reclaiming the art form for the Kingdom of God and holding it in obedience to Christ. Whether you like hip hop or not, these guys are bringing the light of the Gospel to a very dark industry.

@maxeoa (Max Andrews) Max is a graduate student in philosophy at Liberty University. I don't know much about him, but he writes an excellent blog on philosophy and theology, particularly as they relate to science. His posts on cosmology, teleology, and astronomy have been very helpful to my theological development recently.

@TimDalrymple (Timothy Dalrymple) Dr. Dalrymple is the Managing Editor of the Evangelical Portal at He got through Princeton, Stanford, and Harvard without losing his soul, so he intrigues me. I read his articles at Patheos on a regular basis. See his bio here.

Everyone else I follow can be seen here, and there are countless luminaries that I wish had Twitter accounts (i.e. Alvin Plantinga).

Whom do you follow?


  1. That's cool that C.S. Lewis was born on the same day as John F. Kennedy. It's cool to know that we can have people this smart at our fingertips to read about. Their knowledge is interesting and we can always learn from them even if it's just a tweet.

  2. Interesting reading. When I think about tweets, I guess I think it is only a social opportunity for young people that know each other really well, friends. I have never thought of the importance it could play in helping further God's kingdom or help me strengthn my Christianity. BTW, I do not tweet.
    Anna Cain

  3. I am definately adding C.S. Lewis to my list of followers!!
    -Mwgan Ledbetter
