Sunday, September 16, 2012

On Omnipotence: Chuck Norris, God, and the Unmovable Rock

Just a few years ago, Chuck Norris jokes were a ubiquitous meme. Though the fad is fading, Chuck Norris still enjoys a satirical, yet heroic, status in American culture like the titans of Greek mythology. The titans were both men and gods. His name has been written in the still-drying cement of contemporary American culture by the proliferation of Chuck Norris jokes. Chuck Norris jokes frequently bestow upon Chuck Norris some divine quality, such as: omnipotence (all-powerful), omniscience (all-knowing), omnipresence (all-present), etc... By my analysis, those that grant him omnipotence (all power) are further broken down into two categories: 1) the logically possible [but highly improbable] and 2) the logically impossible. [1]

1) The logically possible [but highly improbable]:
  • "Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear rug in his room. The bear isn't dead--it's just afraid to move."
  • "Some magicians can walk on water. Chuck Norris can swim through land."
  • "Chuck Norris can cut through a knife with butter."
2) The logically impossible:
  • "Chuck Norris counted to infinity...twice."
  • "Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door."
  • "Chuck Norris created a round square."
God and the Logically Impossible:

These jokes raise important questions about the nature of omnipotence and, therefore, about the nature of the God of the Christian Scriptures who truly is omnipotent. Can God do the logically impossible? Is doing the logically impossible part of the definition of divine omnipotence?

Christian philosophers have long argued that God absolutely can do anything that is logically possible, even if it is physically impossible. For instance, God can cut a knife with butter, swim through land, or make a grizzly bear submit to life as a rug. In reality, Jesus was able to also raise the dead to life, walk on water, turn water into wine, heal the sick, appear in a locked room, and kill a fig tree with his voice. Omnipotence means that there is no logically possible thing that God can not do.

Omnipotence, however, does not mean that God can do the logically impossible. God cannot, for instance, create a round square or create another God. Christians understandably are uncomfortable saying that there are things God can't do, but that shouldn't be the case. The Bible explicitly says there are things that God can't do. "It is impossible for God to lie," and "God cannot be tempted with evil." [2] From the Scriptures, we may also clearly deduce that God cannot be unloving, cannot be unjust, and cannot cease to exist. [3]

God's inability to do the logically impossible should not be problematic for Christians, because the logical order of the universe itself is the result of the creation by an orderly Lord. God's own nature is what defines the logically possible; therefore, God's own nature is the only thing that constrains God.

image from
Can God create a rock so heavy that not even he can lift it?

This question, often called the "omnipotence paradox" perfectly illustrates the issue at hand. If God can create the rock, he is not omnipotent, because he is unable to lift the rock. If he can't create the rock, he is not omnipotent, because he is unable to create it. In either case, God is not omnipotent. Those few critics of belief in God who actually still use this long-discredited paradox are asking an absurd question, which is logically so incomprehensible that it can't even be answered. They might as well have asked if God can gilibrate a loamy fragmoot. This question falsely assumes that omnipotence includes the ability to do the logically impossible, which orthodox Christian theology has never claimed. In short, the Christian must reply that that question can't be answered, because it is logically incoherent, as it would result in a universe that contains a logical contradiction--an irresistible force (God) and an unmovable object (the rock). If the world were to contain logical contradictions, nothing would make any sense at all.


[1] By "logically possible," I mean that it does not present a logical contradiction. For instance, "swimming through land" or "walking on water" are not contradictory propositions, despite the fact that they violate the laws of physics and are, therefore, improbable without a miracle. Physical impossibility does not mean logical impossibility.
[2] Hebrews 6:18; James 1:13
[3] All of these things are logically impossible for God, because God is, by definition, loving, kind, just, truthful, and necessarily existent.


  1. I loved this post! It reminded me of our discussion in class about if God can create an immovable rock. The whole question is really illogical and not relevant or possible. God created logic so that things would make sense. If there was no logic, then we would be very confused people.

    Mallory Bryant

  2. At first I was disappointed that we don't have a more direct or fancy answer for this, but the fact that someone would have to resort to using this question in an argument is actually reassuring because it is so weak. -Michael Gattis
    P.S. Chuck Norris gets his tattoos done with a jackhammer.

  3. our class talked about this. I think that if someone say something can do the logically impossible than that person has no grasp of logic which God gave us in general revelation and has no point arguing but we must tell explain to them that God can make anything if it can be explained logically. Like making a blue person or a giant red dog but cant make the color nine or a square triangle. -Ancil Lea

  4. Honestly when the "God vs. the unmovable rock" discussion came up in class, I don't think anyone of us good little Christian school kids had a viable answer. I like questions like this that challenge my faith and make me think.To quote the video in chapel last year "God is like a lion, he doesnt need your help. Just unlock the cage." If I can just learn to unlock this cage, I can't Imagine what God can use me for.
    -Audra Staley

    1. God doesn't ask us to unlock the cage, He calls us to get in the cage with Him.

  5. This post made my head hurt, just like it did when we discussed it in class! It is just strange to think about, but it does make you think.It is just not a deal breaker for me!! Anna Cain

  6. I definetley didnt think their was anything God couldnt do. I just never thought about it I guess. But what you said about how God can not do logically impossible things really makes sense.

    And this is is a good chuck norris joke

    the Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is chlaustraphobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic.

  7. All things are possible with God! Sometimes things should be taken at face value. I know that's what a lot of people often do with the Bible, but I think someone who is asking questions like "Can God move an immovable rock" would probably have the intelligence to dig further in Scripture for an answer other than "all things are possible with God."
    Hannah Hitchcox

  8. I realize that it is impossible for God to lie and to ceaste to exist and so on, but I never think of it as God being UNABLE to do something. It is weird to say it. I always told myself that "all things are possible for God." Many things about God are hard to understand. But, Chuck Norris joikes are the best.

    -Caleb Dather

  9. I agree that God is incapable of somethings. The things that have to do with sin, such as: unloving, lying, etc. All things are possible with God as long as they are good. God is capable of anything good because he is the ultimate definition of Good. Chuck Norris jokes are funny, but I surely hope that no one thinks they are true.
    -Sarah Nekonchuk

  10. The "immovable rock" question still bothers me, although I have taken systematic theology and worldview, and the question has been addressed in both classes. I think that while you say the question is incoherant and illogical to even ask, I think the average person who reads the question immediately doubts in God because the question SOUNDS logical, because we are all familiar with rocks. I guess that sounds kind of stupid, but it sounds like a conceivable question to the average person. I would still like to say that there is a better answer to it than the one you provided, but maybe it is that simple- that it is a question that is illogical in the first place.

  11. Okay God can not lie and he can not tempted with evil because He is perfect, and with being perfect we see His creation and what a magnificent creator He is. If God created the rock He can do what ever He wants with it, He could even make it into a cat if He wanted. Chuck Norris may be seen as omnipotent and omniscient but the thing that is wrong with him is he is not perfect and he lives a fallen life and sins, God did not and does not.

  12. This is a very interesting subject. I have always wondered how to answer the questions about God that are logically impossible. I think it was really neat how you compared this to Chuch Norris because it made the subject more interesting and easier to understand.

    -Saige Wood

  13. I think this is an interesting post. Can God create a rock so heavy that he cannot even lift it? This question seems to contradict the logic God. However, I think this question itself is a wrong logic. If it is true that God is omnipotent, God can create a rock and lift up a rock. However, if God creates a rock that he can't even lift it, logic does not make sense. So, this question is logically wrong. I don't know how I'm suppose to explain this specifically, but I think it is clear that God is omnipotent.

  14. When you have tried to explain about the unmovable rock the other day, there was something that was somewhat unclear to me. Now that I've read this, it's became more clear and I was able to understand it better.

  15. Through the comparison with Chuck Norris, I think I got to know this topic better. God is omnipotent and can create everything. But there are just things that God cannot do. However, logical impossible ideas, such as the unmovable rock, are unlikely situations to happen which makes things easier to comprehend.
    -Zachery Son

  16. This blog helped me know more about God. It is interesting that God cannot do some things. However, I think it is because his nature does not change and he cannot do things that contradicts his nature.
    --Kousei Yamamoto
