Thursday, November 1, 2012

On Worldly Wisdom and Stupid Internet Quotes (#1)

In my time spent on Twitter (@ChazMooney) and Google+, I've come across countless nuggets of worldly wisdom. So, I've started to collect the worst of them one at a time, like lent from a belly button. As I accumulate them, I'll post them here with what I hope is a reasoned, biblical response. I've tried not to be too snarky, but some of these quotes deserve a somewhat curmudgeonly response.

"Love isn't all about flirting, hugs, kisses, and sex. Love is about having the ability to take all those things away and still having feelings for that person." --unknown

Let it be clear, I'm not opposed to feelings, flirting, hugs, and kissing. They are all wonderful things that add to the goodness of this life. However, they must never be confused with love. To equate love with feelings is to cheapen love and eventually kill it. According to this bit of prepubescent Internet wisdom, love is the ability to have feelings for someone despite the lack of certain types of physical and emotional contact. This is nonsense. People do not have direct control over their feelings. No amount of will power can make you feel a certain way when you don't. If it were a matter of the will, no one would ever feel hungry, or sad, or depressed, or anxious. This is simply contrary to the human experience. What we can do is change the patterns and habits of our life in such a way that we can systematically, but slowly and indirectly, begin to change the way we feel. This is done partially through flirting, hugs, kisses, and mutually edifying sexual contact (within the confines of a marriage relationship only). One can also foster good "feelings" toward loved ones by praying for them, by complimenting them behind their back, and secretly and repeatedly doing random acts of kindness for them. All of these things indirectly alter the way we feel, but we cannot just choose to feel a certain way at any given moment. Feelings are good, but they are fleeting.

Love, on the other hand, is a sheer act of the will. It is choosing to put another before yourself. It is choosing to sacrifice your own feelings, aspirations, resources, and opportunities to seek the best for another person. It is risking your life to save another. It is daily cleaning and caring for your wife who has Alzheimer's and treats you poorly because she has no idea who you are. It is spending your life's savings to adopt a child whom you've never met and who will sadly live out the rest of her days in an orphanage if you don't. It is willfully dying on a cross for the very people who nailed you to it.
The confusion of love and feelings has tragic consequences, not the least of which is the destruction of marriage. Marriages often end because married couples often don't "feel" in love anymore. Or, because one spouse "feels" more in love with another person. Love is a commitment for better or worse, in sickness and health, in richness and poverty, and in times of feeling and no feelings.  Whoever wrote this bit of wisdom needs to grow up and quit thinking like a 6th grader. 

"Having a rough morning? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? That's called purpose. You're alive for a reason. Don't give up." --unknown

This one immediately stimulates my gag reflex, resulting in incessant dry heaving. It sounds as if it was written by a middle-class 12-year-old girl who is high on puppy dogs, glitter, and fairy dust. As a Christian, I would obviously agree that life is infused with purpose, and every moment is thoughtfully crafted by our Almighty God with his own glory in mind. There is no purposeless moment. However, this quote gets at the heart of our vaguely and irrationally optimistic society. We (in America) are a culture that loves things like hope and purpose and yet we reject God. What, therefore, is the source of our hope and purpose? We have none. As Francis Schaeffer illustrated in The God Who Is There, our culture has taken an irrational leap of faith toward faith itself. We don't have faith in any known God who is actually there and has actually done something to which we can look forward, but we have faith in faith for faith's sake. I don't wake up in the morning and blindly choose to have faith that everything is going to be alright; I'm convinced by reasonable reflection, the constancy of God's provision, and the self-authentication of God's Word that faith in Jesus Christ has secured for me an eternal inheritance and a resurrection body of which I will one day take hold. That is why my day has purpose, and that is why I can get through bad days. I don't get that optimism, however, from some subjective feeling that I receive by feeling the beating of my own heart. At any moment that heart could stop. What hope will I have then?

"Sometimes, you have to give up on people. not because you don't care but because they don't."

 This is a bit of Pharisaical sleight of hand. The one saying it sounds noble and places the blame squarely on the one who does not reciprocate. I'm not suggesting that I have never wanted to "give up on people." I certainly have, but that is a sin for which I must repent--not a sin for which I must give a self-righteous justification. This idea leaves its speaker on a higher moral plane than the one spoken of, a concept that is foreign to the Scriptures. Even the Apostle Paul, one of the greatest Christians to live declared himself, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "the chief of sinners."

The Scriptures call us to love the world that hates us. Jesus said to follow him is to "take a up your cross." Through the prophet Hosea, God modeled his relationship to his own people. Hosea was told to take a prostitute as a wife and to pursue her with his deepest love and devotion all days of his life even if she continually committed adultery. God, forgive us if we "give up" on anyone.

Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? 
Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 
(1 Corinthians 1:20, ESV)

Please, comment below with the worldly wisdom that you find on the Internet.


  1. the amount of adoration level these quotes get just adds to the obvious immaturity level of our society.


  2. "forever is not a word but rather a place where truelovers meet when true love takes them there"

    I agree with Ross. I am tired of Twitter feed consisting only of "TeenGirlQuotes" that make absolutely no sense.

    -Mallory Bryant

  3. I never considered the giving up on other people one.
    That's so true that even if they don't love us, we are to love them. God loves those that despise Him, and we are supposed to act in the nature of God.

  4. I see these kind of quotes all the time on places like Pinterest and Twitter. It's crazy how so many people love these quotes.
    -Shelby Shelton

  5. first if someone thinks of love as you call "the warm fuzzies" then they have no reason to say the word "love" in the first place, i think that our culture thinks love means having a small crush on someone. no the real meaning of love as you said is to put someone above yourself no matter the outcome and always do what is best for them. also if you decide to give up on someone than that shows a level of immaturity and sin nature that is truely awful. if you cant do anything more by physical means for them than pray to God to help with that person.-Ancil Lea

  6. I am proud to admit on this blog that I am a recovering quote junkie/enthusiast. I think that while these are a bit cheesy, some truth can be found in them :) although the first one is definitely hack worthy.
    Hannah Hitchcox

  7. These quotes are not frome the bible of course but there are some biblical meanings in them. Most people today have a wrong interpretation of love-Josiah Smith

  8. To be honest, I used to like a lot of these quotes. I never thought about them in the light this post casts, but I've started to look at them in a different way. Thanks!
    -Catherine Lee

  9. I agree with Catherine, I used to like these quotes until I realized what they really meant now I look at them in a totally different way and realize how cheesy they can really be. thank you for pointing these out!
    -Haley Carter

  10. Omigoodness I love this! I just laughed so hard at the second one! But really I agreea with Ross and Mallory. Society today, especially in teenaged pop culture is filled with stupid quotes like these. Thanks for putting these in a better perspective! -Jacob Clanton

  11. I really like this post. This post made me laugh when i first read it. People today, mainly teenagers, look to things like this for inspiration when they should be looking towards God.

    -Christian Cox

  12. I often feel overwhelmed with the bad advice given from teenager to teenager. They often show up in these quotes. While seeking advice is a good thing, it should be from a Christian mentor. Not a equally confused teenager.
    Audra Staley

  13. You are starting to hear the "place your hand over your heart" quote more often today. I have heard some people saying this at school and I think that we should truly listen to what it means. We need to realize that we are well off and we don't need to complain about the little things in life! -Brent Clay

  14. Some of these quotes are so dumb, especially the one about sticking your hand over your heart. But the one I found most interesting was the one about giving up on others. We are commanded to love everyone even though they do not love us in return. That was an amazing reminder.
    -- Jordan Williams

  15. These quotes are all cheezy and meaningless. People try to find quotes like these to make themselves feel good and like they are doing something right. Praying to God is the answer to everything, and that is what people need to do when they need encouragement instead of looking for online quotes.
    -Saige Wood

  16. People need to rezlize that god is the best example of love and without him there is no love. therefore, they need to accept him to ever truly know love
    -Byron Pascoe

  17. I can never decide if quotes of these nature make me want to laugh or make me sad. Our society is completely ignorant in various topics, but tries to understand them in ways that just do not make sense. This is evident from the overwhelming support of quotes such as these that are seen on various social networks.
    ~Jessa Wilson

  18. when a teenager or any person is looking for advise or is down, they need to pray and read there Bible. that is where real truth is.

  19. Keep up the good work man! - viper

  20. I would agree that a lot of the quotes on the internet are dumb and ignorant, but there are a few that are catchy and give people a different point of view on things. The first quote about love could inspire some not to do physical things. The second quote could give someone hope. Do not get me wrong there are some dumb quotes, but some could give others a feeling of hope, purpose, happiness.
    -Sarah Nekonchuk

  21. I liked what Audra said about asking for advice from a Christian mentor, not from another confused teenager. Quotes are all around us and we have to look at them for what they are. We realy should seek the Bible for our daily living quotes.Anna Cain

  22. most of the internet quotes that people try to live there life by are not found in the Bible. its worldly advise. when life has you down the thing to go to is the Bible or God. that will help more then any internet quote. Seth Bickford

  23. These quotes and all the others in our culture like them just prove the direction our culture is in and is heading deeper into every day! If we as Christians are not careful and stay on our guard, we will get sucked into this frame of mind!
    Megan Ledbetter

  24. There are many twitter quotes and they make me laugh. Talking about love, relationships, and many other things just by their worldly experiences. Some of these quotes actually contradict the Bible.
    Leeah Richardsss

  25. I do agree that some quotes sound really stupid. When I was more immature than right now, I used to love those quotes. They seemed cool and pretty. However, when I see those right now, they seem like stupid want-to-be cool quotes. Love is feeling. We are living this world because we have a purpose : to glorify our Lord. God did not give up on us when we gave up. I hope that people won't be dazzled by those quotes like I did before.

  26. I agree with what you have stated. If I read them again along with the comments you made, they really seem silly. However, I never really thought about the quotes being bad or silly when I saw them up on social media. Maybe it is because I never paid close attention to the quote, but I am concerned that social media can affect how we view things like this. BRIAN PARK

  27. Wow... Mr.Mooney, I'm so glad that I am finding numerous posts that we've covered in class. If I had seen this post before reading Mere Christianity and your explanation if love, I would have laughed at this post probably. However, now that I understand that love is an act of free will, I can understand and agree with this post. I'm just amazed that I could learn and change my perspective in this short period of time. You are amazaing!!

  28. We have to give up on a person not because I don't care about them but they don't care about me.... I think I need to think wisely not sadly. I kind of agree with the quote but if I think about why they don't care about me... It is wrong to say that.
    Love might hurt... i think love is just caring each other. I think emotions are really dangerous things. It is beautiful but if it goes bad... It might result in something bad.
    I got to read this post when i'm having hard time. I think it made me think about love once again. Thanks for a great post. And please pray for me :)
