Friday, March 8, 2013

Why We're Moving to South Korea

I try not to be overly personal in my blog posts, but I would like to use this forum to explain to those who know me what I'll be doing in South Korea.

The campus is surrounded by rice fields.
In February, I accepted a teaching position at Pyeongtaek International Christian School (PICS) in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, a city approximately one hour south of Seoul. Established in 1990, PICS is a fully-accredited, English-language school that operates on an American system and serves families that are native Korean as well as international. While it is an unapologetically Christian school, it is open to families of all religious preferences, which means there will likely be students who are Buddhist and/or atheist any given year. PICS is one school in the larger Network of International Christian Schools (NICS), headquartered in Southaven, Mississippi.

Though I expect that my role will be broadened when I arrive in August, I've been hired primarily as the senior high Bible teacher. My classes will include Old Testament/New Testament survey, worldview, apologetics, and systematic theology (doctrines).

(LtoR) Gavin, Charlie, April, Adaleigh (Addie)
My wife, April, and I are both "missionaries" for NICS and are excited to get there. Our hearts have been drawn to South Korea for a number of years now, as both of our children were adopted from South Korea. Through their adoptions, we traveled to Seoul twice and loved our experience. Now, God has called us to return there to serve His Kingdom, and we have signed a two-year contract, which may be extended annually after that.

As stated, I will be teaching at PICS, and April will be able, for the first time, to stay home full-time to care for our home and two children. In addition, she will likely be very involved with whatever church we join. Ideally, she will find some sort of orphan care ministry in which to serve, because God has broken her heart for the fatherless and motherless, and she clearly has the spiritual gifts of mercy and service. Our calling to Korea, like our marriage, is a joint calling.

We will be fully supported by a modest paycheck and provided housing in the nearby city of Songtan, which is near the U.S. Osan Air Force Base. However, we are in the process of selling everything we own in the U.S. in preparation for our move. Not only do we need to free up the assets in order to afford the move, but we simply do not want to have to ship much to Korea. As our former pastor used to tell us, it is better to be "high speed and low drag." And, there is something spiritually cathartic about purging your life of all of your possessions.

In the months before our move, we will be raising a relatively small amount of financial support in order to finance our move to Korea (mainly the cost of plane travel, shipping, and government forms, such as passports and visas). We would love for you to support us with prayer and words of encouragement. Additionally, if you would like to support us financially, let us know. All financial support is sent directly to NICS.

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  1. I think it is really awesome that you are following God's calling to South Korea. Just thinking about all of the students and people that you and your family are going to have an opportunity to teach about Christ makes me excited for you!
    On a personal note, I just wanted you to know that having you as a Bible teacher throughout most of my High School career has really shaped me as a person. You have taught me so much about God and about what it is to really stand up for my faith in Him. I know that it has been and is God, through you, who has touched so many students here at our school, but I want to thank you for your willingness to let Him work through you. You said that you have seen many students be very supportive lately through this hard time of getting everything ready for your move, but it is important for you to know that it is because you have been here for your students throughout the years, to pray for us and teach us. So thank you so much, Mr. Mooney, for being such a willing vessel for Christ and for just loving your students. It sure has meant a lot, and not just to me, but to all of us. I'm praying for you and your family! Thanks again for everything.
    -Mandi Shelton

  2. This is such an awesome opportunity, Mr. Mooney! It is really sad to me that you are leaving before the junior class is able to graduate, I know that God has a greater purpose for you in Korea, and I am so glad that you and your family are unafraid of His calling. I hope you continue to blog!

  3. By deciding to move to Korea, you have set a very good example for us students on following God's calling. Good luck with the passports and all that stuff, I'll be praying for you. We'll miss you! Wishing you the best, Michael Gattis

  4. The amount of faith that this move is taking is so inspiring to me! You have touched the lives of all of your students, and we are going to miss you SO much next year! It honestly crushed all of us when you announced your move. However, it is selfish for us to want you to stay, because you are going to do the Lord's work in South Korea. I know that you will bless all of your new students as much as you have blessed your old ones. You and your family will always be in my prayers and thoughts. Thanks so much for all that you have taught; I can honestly say that I feel more comfortable going into college when it comes to defending my beliefs and sharing the Gospel.
    Mallory Bryant

  5. Although we are losing our Bible teacher, I'm so excited to see what God will do with you and your family in Korea! Can't wait to here all the stories of your family in this wonderful experience!!
    Megan Ledbetter

  6. I think this a cool opportunity for your family. Im glad your following the lord and going to spread the gosple to the korean nation. -Josiah Smith

  7. I'm so very excited for your family, but sad for the Conway Christian school. They will be losing a great role model and an excellent teacher. Its so encouraging to see a family that is so willing to follow God's call. I wish you and your family the best of luck! -JESSICA WILSON

  8. I think this opportunity is amazing for you and your family, you were called not even looking and God planned that. God moves in great ways with the little surprises He gives. I will miss you as a teacher you have thought me so much, but for you to teach children who need it most is amazing. Praying for you and your work in Korea.

  9. I, along with many others, am sad to see you go to South Korea. However, I am very excited for you all! I know the Lord will bless you all and your new life there. At first it was hard to believe that you were moving simply because it is so far away. I and all of CCS will be praying for you continuously! Will you be blogging there? I would love to be able to read about your experiences!

    -Caleb Dather

  10. Thank you for comming to our school. I hope we can learn a lot of things from you and ill pray for your family that you can adapt to the new surroundings.

  11. It's amazing to see how God led you to come into Korea. To move from a country to another means that you had to leave a lot of your belongings. I thank you for your sacrifice that you made to come to this school. Thank you for all the teachings that you gave us.
    -Zachery Son

  12. It's been two years since you moved to ICS-P. I have learned a lot from your class. We have started with creation and ended with worldviews for the past two years. I thank God for sending us such a scholar to this small school in Pyeongtaek!! I thank you for sacrificing your personal pleasures in the states and coming here.
