Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Flow Chart of Evil (from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity)

Below is a flow chart that I have made to illustrate Book 2 of C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity. In this book, Lewis argues that all worldviews, except biblical Christianity, are inadequate to give an account of how and why evil has entered the world.

In the end, the existence of evil is not a problem for Christianity; it is a problem for everyone else.

Flow Chart of Evil

I hope you find this helpful as you study Lewis' classic work of apologetics.


  1. This graphic did help me better understand the different perspectives. I do think that most people fall in the "simple religion" category becuae it is comfortable. We try to sugar coat evil or have "man" as our standard to make us think we are not so bad or our evil is not really evil.
    Anna Cain

  2. This graphic organizes everything in a really clear-cut way that's easy to understand. Atheism seems to be the belief of choice because it's easy and doesn't take much to believe in. Even other forms of belief in a god are easier to swallow than Christianity because people can still change and tweak the ideas to fit their desires.
    -Catherine Lee

  3. This flow chart actually helped me understand why people tend to believe other religions; it is simple and easy to understand. However, Christianity tends to explain more complex questions that other simple religions can't explain. This flow chart makes it easy for me! (;
    Leeah Richardss
